Sunday, May 11, 2008

From Tiffany Morice

On April 3, 2008 Tiffany said:

Well I am not really sure if this is where I am supposed to write my thought down but this has been on my mind all day. I remember the last time I came home and Josh was in Iraq. Mom picked me up at the airport with Alana and I was just so tired from traveling with Felicity all day. I couldn't help but be excited however to know that my little nephew who just thought the world of my little girl was going to see us soon. When Nicky and Cody had walked through the door Nicky's eyes just opened like he had seen magic before his eyes. He ran to Felicity and just wanted to hold her the whole day. When Cody was grabbing a snack, Nicky was to busy with Felicity on the couch sitting with her and playing with her. He hadn't seen her since she was crawling before that and he was just amazed and so loving smiling like he was in heaven. I remember that day now like it was yesterday and seems to overplay in my mind every so often through the day. I love you Nicky with all my heart. Tiffany Morice

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