Sunday, May 11, 2008

From Jane Passaglia

On April 10, 2008 Jane said:

Yesterday, I drove by the apartment where Andi and Tony lived briefly when Nicky was a baby. I was reminded of a story Andi told me about a memorable evening there. She had entered the living room one night to find Tony sitting quietly in the darkened room with Nicky on his lap. The only light came from passing cars approaching the busy intersection nearby. Completely quiet, completely still...little Nicky, head against his daddy's chest, gazing in wonder at the moving lights. Perfect contentment, perfect safety in his father's tender embrace. I remember the love and future promise in Andi's eyes as she told the story. She couldn't have known at the time how much of Nicky's personality was emerging in that little scene. How often he would seek out that same special contentment snuggled up with the father he loved so much. Andi told the story so well I can see them there. It's a picture I will hold in my broken heart when I think of Nicky, still being held tenderly in his Father's protective arms.Jane

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